






A Petition of (former) Chinese clients of Alpari (UK) to Special Administrator KPMG

It has been four weeks since the events of January 15, 2015, which resulted in the bankruptcy of Alpari UK. Alpari UK remains in insolvency under administration of KPMG, which has spent most of the past four weeks attempting, unsuccessfully, to sell the company intact. Other than not giving clients much information, KPMG has stated that a proposal for clients will be out no later than March 16 – another five plus weeks away.

Is KPMG dragging the process out to maximize its own fees? Or is it under pressure to act in the best interests of trade creditors to Alpari UK, as opposed to former clients of Alpari UK, whose funds remain on hold at the company?

Why can't KPMG return the money first and then work on the sale of the assets unless they are thinking of including the client funds as sellable assets? To lock the client funds there to lure the buyer? Could this be true?

There is another speculation: KPMG have their hands on £43 million of our cash with another £22 million to come - transferred directly into accounts controlled by KPMG. Not bad. I trust they are calculating and crediting the daily interest due to us retail clients ?

After the Swiss franc event,https://www.trader-fx110.com has been paying attention to the special administration of Alpari (UK) Limited, and keeps the Chinese clients of the company informed of updates published by KPMG. What’s more, a feature to safeguard clients’ legal rights has been established at www.fx110.uk, where a total of 89 Chinese clients have made claims for returning funds. Hence www.fx110.com.cn is organizing a petition of (former) Chinese clients of Alpari (UK) Limited to be formally presented to Special Administrator KPMG, requesting that all client funds be returned directly to those clients as soon as possible. And the Special Administrator KPMG is kindly suggested to take maintaining the clients’ interests in the first place, other than putting more importance on selling the Company’s Intellectual Property assets to maximize recoveries for the Company’s creditors.

艾福瑞(UK)中国客户维权信息(Information About the Clients Seeking to Maintain Legal Rights)




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